Black Venere – The Forbidden Rice.

Black Venere is a prized wholegrain rice which is extraordinary from many perspectives. The first thing you notice, of course, is its remarkable deep purple, almost black colour. This is totally natural and comes from its ebony external layer.

Steamy Past

Black Venere rice originates from china where, up until the 18th century, it was cultivated exclusively for the Emperor and his Court. Named after the Goddess of Love, it was considered to be a potent aphrodisiac and legend has it that is precisely why only the Emperor and his entourage could enjoy it! It was named “the Forbidden Rice”.

Venere rice cultivation began in Italy began in the 1990s when Chinese Rice expert Dr. Wang Xue Ren chose the Vercelli region of Piedmont to set up test fields. Venere has thrived in the area since.

Anti-age effect

The rice is rich in essential amino acids, fibre, phosphorous and Vitamin B5 and full of minerals like calcium, iron, zinc and selenium. But its most significant property is its extremely high content of anthocyanins which capture free radicals and prevent oxidation (aging!). In fact it is the anthocyanins which give the rice its amazing colour. So not only might it increase your libido, it keeps you younger looking too! Or is that asking a bit too much…..?

How to Use

Riso Venere has a mild nutty flavour with a hint of sandalwood and its aroma of freshly baked bread becomes more discernible as it cooks. It is ideal for rice salads, soups, as a side for white meats, but reaches its pinnacle with seafood. Excellent with Asian cuisine too and of course it looks amazing on the plate!

Suggested cooking time: 40 – 45 minutes. (with Pilaf method)

Where can I buy Black Rice?

Check out our Black Venere Rice from Vercelli, Italy.

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